Welcome to InCityOffers, a platform connecting local businesses with customers seeking great deals. These terms apply to all users, including general users and businesses. Please read carefully.
All users must be at least 18 years old to create an account. You're responsible for maintaining account security. Businesses must ensure that authorized representatives manage their accounts.
InCityOffers is a listing platform for local offers. We don't control, manage, or verify the offers listed or the businesses that post them. Users should exercise caution when interacting with offers or businesses.
Businesses are responsible for the accuracy and legality of their offers. They must honor listed offers and refrain from posting false, misleading, or defamatory content. Businesses are strictly prohibited from writing negatively about other businesses, making unfair comparisons, or criticizing InCityOffers on the platform. Violation may result in content removal or account termination.
Users retain ownership of their content but grant InCityOffers a license to display and promote it. Our platform content is protected by copyright; don't use it without permission.
All users must use the platform respectfully and legally. Don't engage in harmful activities, spam, or post objectionable content. Businesses must not misuse the platform to harm competitors or the platform itself.
Any transactions occur directly between users and businesses. InCityOffers may charge fees for certain services, which will be clearly communicated to businesses.
InCityOffers is provided "as;as is"as;. We&aposre;not liable for any damages related to platform use or listed offers. Businesses are fully responsible for their offers and any resulting disputes with customers.
For disputes between users and businesses, please follow our dispute resolution process [link]. Disputes with InCityOffers will be resolved through arbitration under the laws of [Jurisdiction].
We reserve the right to terminate or suspend any account for violations of these terms, including removal of business listings that violate our content policies.
We may update these terms at any time. Continued use of InCityOffers after changes constitutes acceptance. Significant changes will be notified via the email associated with your account.